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K P Sewa Sansthan NGO is not having own Blood Bank, We are working/associated with Red Cross Society and other Blood Bank to serve Blood Support. You cannot get blood directly from the K P Sewa Sansthan NGO without a completed online form signed by the doctor or authorized medical personnel. You can fill following form for your Blood requirement, So that we can approach Blood Bank as per your need. Processing fee may have to be paid for the blood to the Blood bank if that is there. No replacement donation is required. However, if your health permits, you are welcome to donate your blood to benefit another patient. This can be done on the same visit or at any future date.

Make sure the hospital or nursing home’s name is entered on the form and Cross matching facility is available for ascertaining blood group. The patient’s representative should bring the patient’s blood sample. Each bag of blood carries a label, which gives information on the type of blood product, blood group, date of packing and date of expiry. The blood products should be transported in a cold chamber. This could be a thermocole or insulated bucket or bag packed with ice. Make sure the blood is not kept without refrigeration at any time.

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